>> Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday morning Revolution Church hosted a "Day of Encouragement" for the women who serve so selflessly week after week. Not only in our church but in their homes, their jobs and their beyond! It was a wonderful time of being refreshed and encouraging each other in our FAITH

Lisa shared her faith journey and encouraged us to seek our Completion in CHRIST! What a story God is writing with her life and those who are within her presence gain an ABUNDANCE of ENCOURAGEMENT !

Lauren BLESSED us with her homemade, self-catered brunch and we gave away A LOT of goodies that women love!

God is doing AMAZING things through the women of Revolution Church and I am so THRILLED to be apart of it! 



" That you and I may mutually be ENCOURAGED by each others FAITH"
(Romans 1:12)

Keep Breathing~Speak Encouragement


"Happy Friday"

>> Friday, September 10, 2010


                  "HAPPY FRIDAY"

I will be cheering at high school and college football games...having dinner with some great friends... attending National Back To Church Sunday @ Revolution Church... and hopefully I will have time for a bike ride... 

A beautiful end to a crazy/busy week... Unplug, laugh and be INTENTIONAL about REST... Share a story with someone... speak a BLESSING... SMILE, well because you will feel better... Take refuge for your soul...

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him" Psalm 34:8



>> Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mary Elizabeth Lewis

Many things in this life stir my soul... Being pursued and my pursuit of my Lord... A gentle touch of my husbands hand in mine... my children's laughter and the warmth of their hugs... a good book that spurs you to become a better person... a journey to conquer what you were created for... I'm sure on this side of heaven I'm not complete without a stirring in my soul... which leads me to share a very profound one with you... 
On November 7, 2007 Marybeth accepted Christ and asked Him to be the Lord of her life. Just 6 days later my youngest daughter made the same decision... My husband and I were out of the country, in Romania, on a mission trip... God was doing AMAZING things in our life while serving on the mission field and also SHOWING OUT at home by pursuing my girls!!! My journey away was FULFILLING but DIFFICULT as a MOM... God allowed me to end that journey by praying with a precious girl to receive Christ... I will NEVER forget November 2007... A HUGE stirring for my soul...
on August 4th of this year, while away at a youth camp, God completely MOVED in Marybeth's life... with one God moment after another He completely wanted her surrender... not just her souls commitment to Him but her LIFE... her life TOTALLY surrendered to PROCLAIMING HIM... to release EVERY ambition of her own in pursuit of her destiny... to GO and TELL of what He has to offer... to share with others what God has done in her own life...
 my little brown hair/blue eyed baby... His creation for His DIVINE purpose... and she said YES!!!

He created YOU for HIS divine purpose...
Are you saying...

("For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose"~Phil. 2:15)

Rebekah Grace Lewis


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