"Tangible Compassion"...

>> Saturday, January 29, 2011

 Tangible Compassion... a prompted deep thought- from a blog post I read earlier...

Maybe you have been known to state your compassion at the news of tragedy or rough times in another's life... I sure have!... That somewhere deep down you feel that pity or maybe even sadness for those hurting around you... maybe you even had the thought "Thank You Lord That's Not Happening To Me"... I'm sure at some point in time we've all had that thought... NOBODY likes to feel that deep pain, that takes your breath away... It just doesn't feel good... 

Is it our love for Christ that compels us to move from thoughtful compassion to tangible compassion... maybe not for some... maybe it comes naturally... there are a lot of "Good People" that don't know Christ... maybe it's your spiritual gift manifesting itself... All I know is I am compelled to show more "Tangible Compassion"... I believe it is CERTAINLY being the hands and feet of Christ... picking someone else up when they've been knocked down... I  once heard it said "Don't withhold something from someone that you one day will need in return"... Tangible Compassion, if you haven't yet needed it bestowed upon you... One Day You Certainly Will...

May I so graciously share the link to where my deep though was prompted...



>> Thursday, January 27, 2011


   " Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!"
                                    James 4:8

Yep... this is exactly what I've been doing... and let me tell you there have been GOOD days and there have been some not so good days! Drawing near to God and asking Him to show you unclean places in your life... well let's just say it sometimes leaves a little less to be desired! 

Funny thing though... in my moments of "un-pleasantness" (pretty sure that's NOT a word) I feel His presence abundantly MORE!

Like an embrace God LONGS for you to draw near....



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