Moving on OUT!

>> Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thank you for stopping by to read the stirrings of my soul! I am EXCITED to announce that we are moving on out to a NEW site. It is a work in progress and the details aren't quite finished; but, I cannot keep up with two blogs and posting in two places.

I would love for you to join me in our new place and feel free to share the stirrings of our souls with your friends.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope that the breath of God follows you into each moment of your day!

A Soul's Stirrings new home:


Under Construction!

>> Monday, May 16, 2011

A Soul's Stirring is undergoing some changes! Thank you for your patience! 


Armed and Dangerous

>> Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today I am heading to Leading and Loving It's "Armed & Dangerous" PW's conference!

Whew, that's a mouthful! It may be a mouthful to say but my heart is EXPLODING thinking of the FUN, LAUGHTER and ENCOURAGEMENT that's going to take place the next three days!

This year I began leading a Virtual Community Group for PW's, women who are doing life in a role similar to mine! My heart has grown endeared to the women in our group, even though we've only had face time via our computers! It is important to live in community with other women and share the ups and downs of womanhood; to walk in full security that they are praying for you, they will sharpen you, encourage you and even get into your space when they need to!




Necessary to maintain accountability in a harsh, critical world. So, for the next three days I will be chatting it up face to face with my girls and connecting with new faces I've yet to meet!

I'm curious... How do you connect with other women?


When Will We?

>> Monday, May 9, 2011

When will we STOP: stop despairing life as if it has no hope? That the very breath God has exhaled into our lungs has no voice? That the heart song has died and grace has not been granted? That hills cannot be climbed and desert places will die of thirst? When we will we STOP? Stop treating our past as the end and our future as a repeat? That He doesn't listen and His guidance doesn't require our surrender?

When will we START: start despairing that we, His workmanship, have stopped showing up for our days tasks? That souls are not only despairing but dieing; destined for an eternal hell? That hurting people hurt people and our lies our tangling His truth? That people are starving and homes are broken? That babies lives are not starting and teens are closing in behind trapped doors? That bodies are being sold and innocence is being robbed? That unless we live Him, speak Him, serve for Him, share Him and cry out to him, despair will overtake and the enemy will continue to take captive!

He, our Holy Father, DID promise us many troubles but ushers hope into our despair. Hope of a future, Hope of abundance in Him, Hope of life everlasting.

There is so much more waiting on the other side!

Will you STOP giving into despairing thoughts and START abiding in Him?

"... I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5, ESV)


The Comparison Game

>> Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We all do it! We may fight tooth and nail to deny it; BUT we do it!


We pull out the playing board, set it up, roll the dice and we join in the game! Sometimes we strike out early and realize that we're giving way too much power to our "comparative" thoughts. Other times we're the last man standing and we take home the winning prize. We crumble due to the lack of what we are NOT; based on our shallow COMPARISON of ourselves to others.


Society woos us into being something we're not. Everywhere we turn this dare to compare is slapping us in the face; even with our disinterest in what the world has to offer, our heart gives way to our flesh and we COMPARE...

She's prettier than I
Her children are more talented
Their congregation had more salvation's
They opened ANOTHER campus
I could sing that better
She's NOT really a great speaker
Her husband gave her another piece of jewelry... mine must not love me as much
She really looks great in that swimsuit... she's too old to dress that way
That car is nice
Her house is bigger- prettier - decorated better
Wow, she has great skin
Another tropical vacation
At least I've only divorced ONCE
She gets all the attention
Why don' they invite me... I'm more FUN
She writes better
And the list goes on and on and on...

It's a dangerous game we play; this "comparison game." It places the knife in the hand that stabs our souls and prepares the table of bondage to linger beyond it's welcome!

Can I let you in on a little secret?

Can I allow your lungs to take a deep breath?

We will NEVER be good enough, smart enough, tall enough, pretty enough, thin enough, talented enough, strong enough, sweet enough, funny enough for anyone! We were not created to fit the mold of this enticing world. We were not designed to fulfill the desires of other self-indulgent people.


If we allow ourselves to give power to anyone or anything else but what God created us for; we WILL buy into it and we WILL play the game! There is no escaping it. We WILL COMPARE.

How do we escape the trap of this game? How do we NOT compare?

1. Identify your weak areas: we must know where we're weak so we can become strong!

2. Speak His truth into your weak areas: the best defense, against the weakness to compare, is to speak truth into the LIE!

3. Press into and grab hold of who He created YOU to be: when you find your identity in Christ you look beyond your imperfections and into His character built within you!

When we compare, we conform. And girlfriend, we are too PRICELESS to our maker to dance with that devil! Don't conform to the patterns of this world; be transformed into His likeness!

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children... a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
(Ephesians 5:1, ESV)



Sunday Take Away!!!!

>> Monday, May 2, 2011

Yesterday's message was so meaty- yet so inspiring- yet so heavy- yet so stirring.... You get my point, right? EVERY Sunday I leave Revolution praying that each person who attended would leave compelled to LOVE Jesus more (including myself). By reading this, I hope when the last word crosses your eyes view, that YOU will be compelled to LOVE Jesus more! He's so much more than ANYTHING else you could dream of! So, off to my takeaway from yesterday...

After a break for Easter, we entered "back" into our Acts series! My husband shared some insight into the character of Timothy's life and his steadfast commitment to honor God with his journey! I was challenged by Timothy's steadfast character. Do I honor God daily with my EVERYTHING? Does my character withstand the pressure of this fallen world?

In Acts 15 we discover that Timothy was a young boy and was born into a mixed marriage (spiritually speaking). God was preparing Timothy for something GREAT at such a young age. He understood through his youthful thoughts, whether you're young or old, God can accomplish anything He desires through you.

With remarkable character, Timothy did this: he submitted to authority, he submitted to personal preferences and he submitted to the mission.

To fully embrace submission and uphold God's character in our lives; We must realize that strength is not a weakness it's a strong act of humble obedience to Christ! To pursue Christ in a personal way our personal preferences must go! We must sacrifice everything for the sake of the gospel!

When we sow a thought; we reap an act
When we sow an act; we reap a habit
When we sow a habit; we reap character
When we sow character; we reap a destiny

Do you submit to authority with total abandon to your personal preferences? 

Are you a woman of character?

Character is what's displayed when no one is looking!

"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it." (Mark 8:35, ESV)

You can view the service here:


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