Letting Go

>> Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letting go... what does that mean... to loosen a grip... to allow something tangible to slip into space... trade an emotion of control for an empty handed feeling... the thought of letting go leaves me FEELING open, abandoned, selfishly alone... I don't like letting go...

With the aging of our children, with each extinguished candle, with another milestone attained... we let go... somehow they were ours to hold and caress only to release wildly into their anointed place... we become less and their open road becomes more and once again we find ourselves... letting go!

With each hurtful experience... a harsh word spoken... it cuts deep and painfully penetrates the marrow... it leaves a mark... it stings... a broken promise that gives wings to insecurity... it nestles a quiet, shameful home for abandonment... wounded into letting go!

With a loss that somehow changes a life's dream... it longs for another touch... for the light to shine through again... for the curtain to open up and breath to fill your lungs... for seclusion to find a companion... and there you are bare, waiting for letting go to be O.K.

For it is good to be near God...  for us to cling to the ones we birth and suffocate their destiny, is to trap their soul...  it keeps them locked inside... it burns the bridge that leads to His still waters... for it is good to be near God... for us to hold onto our past holds our hope captive... paralyzes our future... thickens our dead skin... builds walls around our heart... for it is good to be near God!

To let go... is to be near God... and it is GOOD to be near God!

Whatever it is that overshadows His joy and paralyzes your hope... that keeps you up at night and eats your  noon day lunch... it shatters your dreams and pushes you away from your Father's embrace...

"but for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge"... Psalm 73:28


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