>> Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Excuse me, but we are The Lewis'"... a statement that runs through my mind frequently when I think back to "OUR DAY OF DIAGNOSIS"....

All too unfamiliar, all too unexpected... Are we ever ready for a diagnosis... Are we ever prepared for a diagnosis... in my opinion NO but then again as a believer in Jesus, YES...

"Will you journey with me through OUR diagnosis?... I promise for it to be painful yet inspiring... confusing yet hopeful... uncertain yet eternal"... This is what I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to my soul as we encountered that very day... maybe I couldn't quite explain it that way at first but through a very ORDAINED journey God revealed His miraculous to me... as a matter of fact, He still is...

It was an exciting day, early morning, that we labored and delivered a 6lb 4oz little blue eyed boy... Christopher Michael Lewis... he was charming at first sight and our baby boy... he would be ALL that a man and woman could dream of in a little boy... a star athlete, a true gentleman and certainly he would carry on the family name... not even 48 hours into his entrance into this world... did our lives, including his, change forever more... what started as breathing issues quickly ended in a DIAGNOSIS... as countless nurses and doctors entered our room to check on us and inform us of our baby's progress we grew more and more anxious of what the future would hold for our family... NO ONE is ever PREPARED for the whirlwind of a diagnosis yet somehow during ours PEACE permeated my presence... UNEXPLAINABLE I know and SCARY at the same time... was it shock, was I dreaming and soon I would awake or maybe- just maybe God was going to perform a miracle right before my very eyes just as He had done for others COUNTLESS times before...

Down Syndrome was our diagnosis and Topher is our miracle... 10 years later and miles beyond our start, God has created a MASTERPIECE and exceeded our miracle... LIFE took on a new meaning and DIAGNOSIS gave us a new outlook on life... have there been up & downs... have there been uncertainties & painful encounters... YES... but my Creator has journeyed EVERY step of the way with us... sometimes He has carried us... sometimes He has pulled us... sometimes He has silenced us and sometimes He has pushed us... BUT EVERY TIME He has equipped us to carry our cross and He has carried our burden and made our load light... He has really cared for us WELL!

So what do you do with a DIAGNOSIS... you embrace it, you carry it, you allow it to become apart of who you are... Why... because it's a part of your journey... an ordained, appointed place for you... sometimes it is a place you will visit for a short time... sometimes it is a camp-out... and sometimes it's your destination... God has an appointed PLAN for you... you have been given your DIAGNOSIS because you are the only one who can carry it and carry it well...

For me our diagnosis is our destination... we will carry it until we are ushered into eternity... where PERFECTION will be completed and His ultimate purpose will be revealed... so until that beautiful, appointed day... we will continue to behold, embrace & carry our diagnosis... for He is ours and we are His!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for WELFARE and not for evil, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE!" ~ God (Jeremiah 29:11)


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